Here I am discussing with you all some basic information about masks and gloves which is a new normal after the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the worldwide outbreak of corona virus,
people have taken various measures to prevent the spreading of COVID-19. One of the major concerns of people while traveling from one place to another is to avoid the infection with novel corona virus 2019. However, people could not stop the outbreak of corona virus because of various mistakes that occur without one's knowledge while moving around. Since many countries started lock-down as their initial strategy to reduce the intensity of COVID-19, they have given more publicity to social distancing and to wear masks. Although wearing a mask gives you some degree of protection against droplet infections, this is not the ultimate protection. People have to take many measures personally to prevent getting infected. Here I will discuss a few wrong habits of people in wearing the mask and gloves which resulted in getting COVID-19.Improper Wearing of Mask
Many people started to wear masks since the outbreak of COVID-19 attracted global attention. But how many of you wear the mask with adequate precautions to prevent contracting the disease? Do you know the consequences of the wrong usage of the mask? If no, then you're in the right place to find the answer to those questions.
The main problem we face with the mask is an inconvenience in breathing, and speaking clearly with the masks on our face. I have noticed the majority of people leaving the mask below their nose to breathe more conveniently. If breathing with comfort is your priority, then there is no need to wear a mask. But, our major concern is preventing the spread of the disease, and to do so we have to sacrifice a bit of comfort in breathing. So wear your mask properly by covering your nose and mouth. Make sure there are no gaps for the droplets to enter inside your mask.
The second thing which I observe is, removing the mask or bringing the mask down to jawline while speaking with others. If the mask is removed or misplaced while speaking with someone, this may increase the chance of spreading the disease. This is because you leave your nose and face open for all kinds of droplet infection. Hence, it is very important to keep the marks covered while you speak with someone and prevent yourself and other people from contracting the disease.
Wearing gloves unnecessarily
Wearing gloves unnecessarily is another major practice these days. We can notice many people wear gloves around us. The majority of people wear gloves thinking that the virus cannot affect them when they wear a glove. But the fact is, the virus will sit even on your gloves and make you prone to get infected. So, it is better to wear gloves using the appropriate technique.
Gloves are used to prevent the cross-contamination of the infection from one to another person. But, now-a-days people use gloves in order to prevent acquiring the infection. People wear gloves commonly and touch their face, eyes, mouth, etc. People wear gloves even when they are eating food. People who wear the gloves without proper knowledge are more prone in getting infected while travelling in flights and trains. Many have a wrong assumption that gloves will not carry any infectious organisms. But the fact is gloves can carry as many microbes as your bare hands, and spread it to you and others.
Remember gloves are not an absolute solution for preventing cross infection. Proper hand washing and sanitizing methods can prevent cross infection.
What is the right method true to wear a mask?
When you wear a mask, remember to cover your nose and mouth properly with the mask.
- First and foremost, it is important for you to avoid touching the mask, especially the inner side as well as the outer side which is in front of your nose. This will eliminate the cross-infection of your masks from your hands.
- Second, do not wear a mask for more than 6 hours. When you wear a mask during long journeys make sure that you change the mask every sixth hourly.
- Third, while wearing a mask ensure that there is no opening between the nose or at the sides. These openings entertain the possibility of droplets to get inside the mask.
- Finally, change a mask if it is wet or contaminated accidentally by your touch. These measures can save you from getting infected.
What is the right method to wear hand gloves?
An ideal instruction I can suggest for everyone who wears the gloves is "do not touch your face, mouth or nose when the gloves are on".
- It is always better to wash your hands with soap and water, or any alcohol-based sanitizer than wearing a glove throughout the day. The gloves which are worn throughout a day carry more number of virus and bacteria, and help in spreading the disease.
- If you are the one who wears a glove, be sure that you remove it as soon as you come in contact with any of the infected person, or any of the objects which are expected to be in an infected environment. For example, if you noticed someone coughing or sneezing in front of you who is standing there without wearing a mask and you touch the objects which were lying in front of them, then it is better to remove the gloves and discard it immediately.
- Avoid using hand gloves while eating something. Before you eat anything remove your gloves and wash your hand properly. This will protect you from getting infected.
- When you wear hand gloves make sure that you use it only when it is essential. Whenever the gloves are on avoid touching your face, eyes, and mouth. In addition, while removing the gloves avoid touching the inner part of the gloves. Only the outer portion of the gloves can be touched to pull off the gloves from your hands.
- Do a thorough hand washing after removing the gloves. Remember hand washing is the best practice to avoid corona virus infection rather than wearing gloves without proper precautions.
People can defeat the Corona virus with adequate knowledge about use of masks and gloves. Hence, now onwards start using the proper methods to protect yourself and others.
Too much to read but worth reading it completely.