Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Learning a new language at an early age is helpful for children. It is more positive for their future prospects, though it can also have some adverse effects. Do you agree or disagree?

Language helps a person to communicate with others. While some people think that learning a new language at an early age is beneficial to children, others opine that this method carries more adverse effects than benefits. This essay will discuss how learning new knowledge is beneficial for children.

Linguistic skills are better understood if taught in early childhood. A child grasps the vocabulary and grammatical components of a language better than the adult. For example, research has shown that the developing brain of children can store vital details of language skills better than the adult's brain. A new language, thus, can be easily mastered by children when it is taught to them at an early age.

The mastery over language commands a person's future endeavours to positivity. People with a good understanding of the language can resolve many problems of other people by crossing many barriers to a communication error. For instance, bilinguals successfully communicate with mono-linguals of two different languages and can solve the problems between them. Thus, a person's language can bring positivity to their surroundings. 

Although the positive effects of learning a new language at an early age are evident, there is a minor adverse effect of language burden on young children. Some differently-abled children may find it difficult to digest the language as easily as others. Stressing on such children may hinder their learning capability in the future. Hence, we need to teach language to children by avoiding stress on young children.

This essay discussed how learning a new language is beneficial if taught in an early stage of life. In my opinion, language skills must be taught to children early in their childhood and this will help them to gain more benefits in their life. 

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