Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The kind of a person’s life depends on his/her personality. What’s your opinion of this, and use your own experience as examples

Personality is our behaviour and how we react to different situations. Personality is a multi-factorial trait and has a minute effect on the life of a person. An individual's personality can influence various decisions in life, but the personality of an individual cannot control life.

This essay will explain the reasons behind this thought in detail.

Life involves the mutual living of two or more people, and it is dependent on the personality of all the people living in a household. Although the personality of a single person may have a fractional effect on the lifestyle of all the people involved in it, it cannot determine the success or failures of a person's life. The best example here is, a person with a positive attitude living with others, with mixed personality, cannot always be successful, or cheerful based on the personality. Hence, personality cannot drive the life of people. 

A person's life is independent of his personality because the personality of a person may not be always dependent on how he or she behaves in public or with others. A person's personality is partially determined by how he reacts to different situations, how he behaves with others, and most importantly, what others think about that person. So, a multitude of factors affect the personality of a person and thus, a person's life is also affected by several interrelated factors.

To conclude, we cannot blame the personality of an individual for their life achievements or failures.  Hence, I disagree with the statement that personality controls a person's life. In my opinion, a person's life is affected by many factors which are closely interrelated to each other.


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